Some Important Contributions:
Spectral analysis of density of states for numerous metals and
compounds, spectroheliograms of the solar
corona, x-ray emissions from laboratory plasmas, ... She
contributed in many areas of x-ray spectroscopy including the
series of lanthanide and actinide elements.
Some Important Publications:
"Distribution des états f dans les métaux et les oxyde
de terres rares," Phys, 32, C4-230 (1971), with
R.C. Karnatak.
- First observation of the direct radiative recombination from
excited states with a core hole (labelled excited X states) to
the ground state. These observations have been made in
metallic and insulator solids. The transitions are of f-d
type and are called resonant emissions.
"Analyses par spectroscopie X des distributions 5f de l'uranium
dans le métal et UO," J. de Phys, 35, 293
(1974), with G. Lachéré.
- Observation of the same radiative transitions on uranium.
"Spectres Auger N4,5 du gadolinium," Phys. Let, L 255
(1974), with G. Dufour.
-Resonant Auger transitions.
"Discontinuous transitions in YB and Eu atomic volume as a function
of the grain size," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 36, 575 (1975),
with F. Vergand.
- First observation of a change in the electronic distribution
for small metallic aggregates.
"Resonant X-ray Spectroscopy in solids," Advances in X-ray
spectroscopy, Pergamon Press, Chap 6, pp. 104-121 (1982).
1964 Médaille du bronze du CNRS
Chevalier des Palmes Académiques
"International man of the year 1991-1992,"
International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England
1954-55 Stagiare de recherches au CNRS
1955-60 Attachéde recherchers au CNRS
1960-67 Maitre-Assistant ô la Sorbonne
1967-74 Professor à la Sorbonne, then Universitè Pierre
et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
1974-98 Professor titulaire à l'Université Pierre et
Marie Curie (Paris VI)
1979-91 Directeur, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Université
Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
Licence es Sciences, Sorbonne 1954
Docteur es Sciences, Sorbonne 1964
Professor Christiane Bonnelle and Professor Bernard Hamermesh
Additional Information/Comments
Directed more than sixty theses.
Field Editor: Bernard Hamermesh/N. Byers