Some Important Contributions
Careful measurements of the half-life of radium confirmed
Rutherford's downward revision of an important calibration
standard of radioactivity - the radium standard.
Demonstration that the ratio of uranium to radium differs for different radioactive minerals.
Numerous careful studies of radioactivity.
Some Important Publications
"The Life of Radium," American Journal of Science 41:112 (1916).
"Ratio Between Uranium and Radium in the Radio-active Minerals," Comptes Rendus 149:267 (1909).
"Sur le rapport entre l'uranium et le radium dans les mineraux actifs," Radium 8:256 (1911).
"Sur le radium et l'uranium contenus dans les mineraux radioactifs," Comptes Rendus 148:1451 (1909)
"Action de l'emanation du radium sur les solutions des sels de cuivre," Comptes Rendus 147:345 (1908), with M. Curie.
Award from Dowager Queen Josephine's legacy to study chemistry in France 1906
Honorary Doctorates from Smith College, Sorbonne, and University of Strasbourg <
1903-07 Assistant Lecturer, Chemical Laboratory, University
of Oslo
1907-12 Curie Institute
1913-14 worked with Bertram Boltwood at Yale
1914-16 Fellow, Chemistry, University of Oslo
1916-29 Reader in Chemistry, University of Oslo
1929-46 Professor of Chemistry, University of Oslo
Licenciee des Sciences, Sorbonne 1912
Biography in Norwegian - T. Kronen and A. Pappas, ELLEN
GLEDITSCH , Aventura, Oslo, 1987.
Rayner-Canham and Rayner-Canham, "Pioneer women in nuclear science,"
Am J. Phys.,58,11:
1036 (1990).
Recommended reading: "A Devotion to Their Science: Pioneer Women of
Radioactivity" by Marelene Rayner-Canham and Geoffrey Rayner-Canham
Additional Information/Comments
In the 1930's, Gleditsch worked to help political
refugees, and several refugee scientists were offered
positions in her laboratories. One of these refugees wa
Hertha Sponer who was dismissed from the faculty of the University of Göttingen in 1934
(because she was a woman). Gleditsch was instrumental in securing
a visiting professorship for her at the University of Oslo. Another wa
Marietta Blau
who worked in Oslo with Gleditsch after the Anschluss in 1938
(it was not safe for Blau to return to Vienna then because she was a Jew).
During WWII, Gleditsch actively
supported the resistance movement.
President of the International Federation of University Women 1926-29.
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Edited by: C. W. Wong/ n.b.
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