86 Eminent Physicists

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Condensed Matter Physics
Some Important Contributions
In chronological order:
Determined the superconducting energy gap from
measurements of the superconducting penetration depth in
the "classic" superconductors tin and lead.
"Observations of the Energy Gap by Low Temperature
Penetration Depth Measurements in Lead," Phys. Rev. Lett. 4: 52 (1960), with R.L. Garwin and E. Erlbach.
"Measurement of Magnetic Field Attenuation by Thin
Superconducting Films," IBM Journal of Research and Development 4: 107
(1960), with E. Erlbach and R.L. Garwin.
Established the correspondence between a minimum in the electrical resistivity of an alloy as a function of temperature and the presence of dilute magnetic moments. This work played a key experimental role in support of the theoretical advance embodied in the Kondo effect.
"Resistivity of Mo-Nb and Mo-Re Alloys Containing 1% Fe," Phys. Rev., 135A: 1041 (1964), with E. Corenzwit and L.D. Longinotti.
Measurements of the effect of a magnetic field on the electrical conductivity of doped semiconductors near the metal-insulator transition showed that application of a magnetic field changes the universality of the transition.
"Electrical Conductivity of Metallic Si:B near the Metal-
Insulator Transition," Phys. Rev. B45: 3984 (1992), with Peihua Dai and Youzhu Zhang.
"The Critical Conductivity Exponent of Si:P in a Magnetic
Fields," Phys. Rev. (Rapid Communications) B48: 4941 (1993), with Peihua Dai, Youzhu Zhang, and Snezana Bogdanovich.
Established that the Hall coefficient diverges at the
metal-insulator transition in doped silicon.
"Critical Behavior of the Hall Coefficient of Si:P at the
Metal-Insulator Transition," Phys. Rev. (Rapid Communication) B49: 14039 (1994), with Peihua Dai and Youzhu Zhang.
Measurements of the nonlinear electric field response in a two-dimensional electron gas showed a conductivity/resistivity reflection scaling across the metal-insulator transition.
"Electric Field Scaling at a B=0 Metal-Insulator Transition
in Two Dimensions," Phys. Rev.
77: 4938 (1996), with S. V. Kravchenko, D. Simonian, Whitney Mason, and J. Furneaux.
Discovered steps in the hysteresis loop of a magnetic molecular crystal that showed macroscopic quantum tunneling in a large spin system.
"Macroscopic Measurement of Magnetization Tunneling
in High-Spin Molecules," Phys. Rev. Lett.76: 3830
(1996), with Jonathan R. Friedman, J. Tejada, and R. Ziolo.
Member, National Academy of Sciences
Fellow, American Physical Society
Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences
Recipient, 1995 NYC Mayor's Award for Excellence in Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.
1954-55 Research Assistant, IBM Watson Laboratories, Columbia University
1960-61 Research Associate, IBM Watson Laboratories, Columbia University; and Instructor, City College, City University of New York
1962-64 Member, Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ
1965-67 Assistant Professor, City College, City University of New York
1967-71 Associate Professor, City College, City University of New York
1971-present Professor, City College, City University of New York
1975-78 Executive Officer, CUNY Ph.D. Program in Physics
1995-present Distinguished Professor, City College, City University of New York
B.A. Barnard College 1954
M.S. Columbia University 1957
Ph.D. Columbia University 1960
Myriam Sarachik and [amw1992]
Additional Information
Born in Antwerp, Belgium and attended primary school in Antwerp and
Havana, Cuba.
Attended Bronx High School of Science in New York.
Member of the Board of Directors of
the Committee of Concerned Scientists, and of the
Human Rights of Scientists Committee of the New York
Academy of Sciences.
Some Professional Activities
For the American Physical Society:
Member of Nominating Committee, and Chair
from 1990 to 1992. Member of the Committee on the Status of
Women in Physics. Member and Chair of
the Committee on the International Freedom of Scientists.
Elected to a three-year term from 1981
on the Executive Committee of the Division of Condensed
Matter Physics.
Field Editor: Professor W. Gilbert Clark
<wgclark@physics.ucla.edu >